coming showsphotos by K. Nicole Mills

Flyer Credits;  Photo by BJ Watkins
Flyer designed by Elena Gjorgjieva
Original cast of Quiet Come Dawn
Top L to R: Sego Marchand Lazzaro,
Shenelle Eaton Foster, YaliniDream;
Bottom L to R: Kim Howard, Sunder Ashni


QUIET COME DAWN combines aerial dance (Corde Lisse), spoken word poetry, & theater in an interdisciplinary project conceived and created by performance artist YaliniDream and aerialist Kiebpoli Calnek. QUIET COME DAWN presents a dynamic all women of color cast who sing, dance and fly with intensity and truth. Kiebpoli Calnek’s aerial choreography powerfully realizes YaliniDream’s moving writing of poetic light. The work is an eloquent piece on the power of self-love and how violence can separate one from this most fundamental and necessary bond. The world of the play is set in a bleak, violent reality where the birds are dying.

QUIET COME DAWN follows the queer love story of Rook and Z, lovers living in a post-apocalyptic world where humans require drugs & magic to survive. Rook, a healer, is a refugee from an island nation ravaged during the Great War. She is of the earth and lives in the blighted and violent Hollows. Z was exiled to the Hollows from the protective community of the Conserves for having an uncurable disease. Z can fly and is of the skies. Their connection, however, is marred as Z cannot remain on earth because the atmosphere is toxic, and Rook cannot ascend to Z. Rook journeys through this dilemma to discover that she too can fly if she learns to heal her own wounds. The title QUIET COME DAWN refers to the threat of a morning absent of the birds' songs.

The development of QUIET COME DAWN was made possible by the generous support of Astraea Lesbian Foundation, Embody Aerial Studio, & the fiscal sponsorship of Asian Arts Initiative.

A full production of Quiet Come Dawn includes a cast of 5 performers and 1 road manager. The piece requires a performance space where ropes & silks can be rigged for aerial. Excerpts of the work can be performed with a smaller cast.



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